Dr. Claude 路易homme

Associate Professor

办公室: COPH 220E   |    电话: (308) 865-8629   |    电子邮件: louishommeca@techvarsity.net

Dr. Claude 路易homme


B.A., University of Missouri – St. 路易
Ph.D., University of Missouri – St. 路易
首页town: Port-au-Prince, Haiti, then St. 路易, Missouri
Joined 体育菠菜大平台 教师: 2001

Public Policy, Administration, State and Local Government 

People who study public policy and administration analyze how public policy is formulated, adopted and implemented at all levels of government.  Important questions driving inquiry in this subfield include:

  • What factors determine which conditions that exist in society are going to be addressed by government?
  • What factors shape the policy decisions made by elected and appointed officials?
  • What factors influence how those policies are implemented?

On working with undergraduate students:
“I enjoy seeing students become more self-assured as they solve problems, figure out issues that they’ve struggled with, and the sense of accomplishment after making an effective argument in class, writing an excellent essay, completing a research project, and/or making a good presentation." 

Favorite political quote:
“A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves.” -- Bertrand de Jouvenel



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