Preparing Today’s 学生 for Tomorrow’s Industrial Distribution Industry

发布:2022年8月23日12:00:00 AM CDT

There aren’t many programs that can boast nearly 100% job placement since its founding like the Industrial Distribution (ID) program at the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney can. 作为全国为数不多的身份识别项目之一, 体育菠菜大平台 shares this distinction with schools such as East Carolina University, 和普渡大学. 据博士说. 本Brachle, 一个ID教员, 体育菠菜大平台 “just can’t graduate students fast enough because they are uniquely positioned to get into these career roles.自1989年成立以来, the ID program has always focused on preparing its students for careers in this industry which Dr. 布拉谢尔解释说,它“隐藏在众目睽睽之下”.”

Through the generosity of the ID Program Partners, this program has enjoyed recent growth. Thanks to the funding provided by these partnering companies in the industry, 最近还设立了一个教授职位和两个研究员职位. Dr. Brachle explained that the professorship was “created to keep the industry relationship strong” since this degree prepares students for “business-to-business industrial sales.” The industry partners clearly understand the importance of building a strong link between academia and industry. And the ID faculty value this important feedback loop from industry as it ensures they deliver curriculum that is current and relevant and cultivates agility. Dr. Bachle states that “a lot of our students come back as senior salespeople, 经理或区域经理或利润中心经理, 他们从我们的项目中招聘.这是一个独特关系的例子. Brachle and his colleagues in the ID program foster between students and the industry. He credits the ID Program Partners with helping further the mission of the ID program by the way they “sit on advisory boards, 走进教室, 并帮助销售竞争.” A former ID professional before he transitioned to the classroom, he understands the importance of a strong collaboration between the university and those currently in the industry.

Two fellowships were also created thanks to the copious support of the ID Program Partners. Mr. 亚历杭德罗Cahis, 一个ID教员, sees his role as one that will “incorporate sales competitions” with the goal of exposing “the students to different scenarios that they could en


在现实世界中.” He explains that he believes “the more practice they have to different situations and scenarios, the more comfortable they are going to be by the time they enter the real world.” This type of experiential learning is a hallmark on the campus of 体育菠菜大平台, and Mr. Cahis is doing his part to ensure the students in the ID program will be able to look back on their classroom experiences as a time when they had “the opportunity to develop and practice their skills.” Through the sales competitions made possible by this fellowship, he understands that ID students will also have the chance to network with industry professionals as well as other students.

除了销售比赛, 另一个奖学金, 一个专注于招聘, 也多亏了ID计划合作伙伴. Mr. 米奇•彼得斯, 一个ID教员, is focusing on making connections with students in high school, 被社区大学录取, 在大学水平. He explains that this “industry is currently in extremely high demand for technical sales representatives” and he believes that this fellowship does more than meet that need. He states that it “also brings students to 体育菠菜大平台 who would otherwise attend other institutions.”

虽然现在体育菠菜大平台的ID课程是辅修课程, the vast majority of students choose this degree as their major. 刚毕业的1000人th student, 体育菠菜大平台’s ID program is on sure footing with major universities across the United States. Thanks to the dedication of its faculty and the generous support of the ID Program Partners companies, this program is better equipped than ever to fulfill its mission of preparing students for their future roles within this booming industry. 据博士说. Brachle, the ID program at 体育菠菜大平台 is “a hybrid degree” offering both business and technical classes. He states that you only need to “slam those two pieces together” to describe the ID program at 体育菠菜大平台 which is perfect since both technical sales positions and business roles are necessary in this industry.

体育菠菜大平台, ID students are prepared through role-playing and sales competitions, networking with professionals through career fairs and conferences, and rigorous courses designed to offer lessons which will be used as part of their future careers. The newly created professorship and two fellowships will solidify the strength of 体育菠菜大平台’s ID program. 这个独特的项目. 布拉谢尔解释说,这是体育菠菜大平台大学“隐藏的秘密”之一, is not available at a lot of the larger universities in the area. With a market for technical sales being so prevalent right now, ID students at 体育菠菜大平台 have the opportunity to step right into their future profession as soon as they graduate. 感谢工业分销计划合作伙伴, this already strong program will be strengthened and the word will spread to other students to discover this hidden gem right here at the College of 商业及科技 at 体育菠菜大平台.


Category: 商业及科技, 一般

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