January 2019 Posts

The Challenges of Being an Adult Learner

Posted: January 30, 2019 3:15:00 PM CST

The Challenges of Being an Adult Learner

College is a big commitment, often taking time, money and energy that can sometimes become obstacles in your decision to go back to school. As an adult learner, you may encounter challenges that are different from those of traditional students earning a degree right after high school, but when managed appropriately, overcoming these challenges can lead to a rewarding experience as well as a degree.  Online learning opens the door to those unable to attend courses on campus—either...

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By: Stacey Schwarz

Category: eCampus, General

Graduation: Ready or Not?

Posted: January 24, 2019 12:00:00 PM CST

Graduation: Ready or Not?

With spring semester in full swing and your eye on graduation, several things may come to mind—whether landing your dream job or applying to graduate school. One thing that cannot be overlooked is your application for graduation, which is due by February 1, along with other important details for finishing your degree.  The University of Nebraska at Kearney provides resources and guidance on how to apply for graduation or begin looking for a job. We’ve compiled a list of these...

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By: Stacey Schwarz

Category: eCampus, General

How We Are Improving the Online Learning Experience

Posted: January 15, 2019 3:40:00 PM CST

How We Are Improving the Online Learning Experience

Times are changing in online learning. With technology becoming more affordable, the University of Nebraska at Kearney is able to offer a higher, more personal way to deliver education to online students. Tim Bartling, Assistant Director of eCampus, is leading the way for 体育菠菜大平台 in the development of online learning. We asked Tim what he has done so far in this ever-evolving industry: What do you look for when implementing new technology for online learning? The first thing I look at, before...

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By: Dylan Munson

Category: eCampus, General

How to Reach Your Resolution

Posted: January 2, 2019 3:10:00 PM CST

How to Reach Your Resolution

No matter how determined we are, our resolutions from January are typically forgotten by March. And in many cases, the decision to make the change was almost as challenging as trying to achieve it, especially with a major goal like going back to school. Although there are always reasons to push this resolution aside, there’s also a way to balance it with everything else in your life in 2019—an online program at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. So what does it take to...

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By: Stacey Schwarz

Category: General, eCampus

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